1. Consent for use of Photography and Videos is valid for 5 (five) years from the date of submission;
  2. Any images held after the lapse of the consent period shall be deleted and/or destroyed as appropriate;
  3. We will not include details or full names (i.e. forename and surname) of any child or adult in any image on video, on our website, or in printed publications, without good reason and without explicit permission.
  4. We will not include personal e-mail, postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers in any image on video, on our website, or in printed publications, without good reason and without explicit permission.
  5. If we use images of individual Members, we will not use the name of that Member in the accompanying text or photo caption without good reason. If a Member is named in text, we will not use a photograph of that Member to accompany the article without good reason. For example, we may include a picture and full name of a lead performer where appropriate consent has been obtained.
  6. We may use group images with very general labels such as “mask workshop”.
  7. We will only use images of Members who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of images being used inappropriately.
  8. We cannot film or take photographs of any Member that is “at risk” or under a Supervision Order.